Isoform 2 of Unconventional myosin-VI; Isoform 5 of Unconventional myosin-VI;Isoform 6 of Unconventional myosin-VI

Myosins are actin-based motor molecules with ATPase activity (By similarity). Unconventional myosins serve in intracellular movements (By similarity). Myosin 6 is a reverse-direction motor protein that moves towards the minus-end of actin filaments (PubMed:10519557). Has slow rate of actin-activated ADP release due to weak ATP binding (By similarity). Functions in a variety of intracellular processes such as vesicular membrane trafficking and cell migration (By similarity). Required for the structural integrity of the Golgi apparatus via the p53-dependent pro-survival pathway (PubMed:16507995). Appears to be involved in a very early step of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in polarized epithelial cells (PubMed:11447109). Together with TOM1, mediates delivery of endocytic cargo to autophagosomes thereby promoting autophagosome maturation and driving fusion with lysosomes (PubMed:23023224). Links TOM1 with autophagy receptors, such as TAX1BP1; CALCOCO2/NDP52 and OPTN (PubMed:31371777). May act as a regulator of F-actin dynamics (By similarity). As part of the DISP complex, may regulate the association of septins with actin and thereby regulate the actin cytoskeleton (PubMed:29467281). May play a role in transporting DAB2 from the plasma membrane to specific cellular targets (By similarity). May play a role in the extension and network organization of neurites (By similarity). Required for structural integrity of inner ear hair cells (By similarity). Required for the correct localization of CLIC5 and RDX at the stereocilium base (By similarity). Modulates RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription (PubMed:16949370).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MYO6

UniProt ID

  • Q9UM54-2
  • Q9UM54-6

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