Chromatin reader component of the super elongation complex (SEC), a complex required to increase the catalytic rate of RNA polymerase II transcription by suppressing transient pausing by the polymerase at multiple sites along the DNA (PubMed:20159561, PubMed:20471948). Specifically recognizes and binds acetylated and crotonylated histones, with a preference for histones that are crotonylated (PubMed:27105114). Has a slightly higher affinity for binding histone H3 crotonylated at ‘Lys-27’ (H3K27cr) than ‘Lys-20’ (H3K9cr20) (PubMed:27105114). ; Acts as a key chromatin reader in acute myeloid leukemia by recognizing and binding to acetylated histones via its YEATS domain, thereby regulating oncogenic gene transcription.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MLLT1

UniProt ID

  • Q03111

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