Plus-end tracking protein (+TIP) that binds to the plus-end of microtubules and regulates the dynamics of the microtubule cytoskeleton (PubMed:12388762, PubMed:16109370, PubMed:19632184, PubMed:21646404, PubMed:23001180, PubMed:28726242, PubMed:28814570, PubMed:34608293). Promotes cytoplasmic microtubule nucleation and elongation (PubMed:12388762, PubMed:16109370, PubMed:19632184, PubMed:21646404, PubMed:28726242, PubMed:28814570). Involved in mitotic spindle positioning by stabilizing microtubules and promoting dynamic connection between astral microtubules and the cortex during mitotic chromosome segregation (PubMed:12388762, PubMed:34608293). Also acts as a regulator of minus-end microtubule organization: interacts with the complex formed by AKAP9 and PDE4DIP, leading to recruit CAMSAP2 to the Golgi apparatus, thereby tethering non-centrosomal minus-end microtubules to the Golgi, an important step for polarized cell movement (PubMed:28814570). Promotes elongation of CAMSAP2-decorated microtubule stretches on the minus-end of microtubules (PubMed:28814570). Acts as a regulator of autophagosome transport via interaction with CAMSAP2 (PubMed:28726242). Functions downstream of Rho GTPases and DIAPH1 in stable microtubule formation (By similarity). May play a role in cell migration (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MAPRE1

UniProt ID

  • Q15691

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