Isoform 3 of Kinesin-like protein KIF20B; Isoform 4 of Kinesin-like protein KIF20B; Isoform 2 of Kinesin-like protein KIF20B;Kinesin-like protein KIF20B

Plus-end-directed motor enzyme that is required for completion of cytokinesis (PubMed:11470801, PubMed:12740395). Required for proper midbody organization and abscission in polarized cortical stem cells. Plays a role in the regulation of neuronal polarization by mediating the transport of specific cargos. Participates in the mobilization of SHTN1 and in the accumulation of PIP3 in the growth cone of primary hippocampal neurons in a tubulin and actin-dependent manner. In the developing telencephalon, cooperates with SHTN1 to promote both the transition from the multipolar to the bipolar stage and the radial migration of cortical neurons from the ventricular zone toward the superficial layer of the neocortex. Involved in cerebral cortex growth (By similarity). Acts as an oncogene for promoting bladder cancer cells proliferation, apoptosis inhibition and carcinogenic progression (PubMed:17409436).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • KIF20B

UniProt ID

  • Q96Q89
  • Q96Q89-3
  • Q96Q89-4

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