Receptor-proximal protein kinase regulating integrin-mediated signal transduction (PubMed:8538749, PubMed:9736715). May act as a mediator of inside-out integrin signaling (PubMed:10712922). Focal adhesion protein part of the complex ILK-PINCH (PubMed:10712922). This complex is considered to be one of the convergence points of integrin- and growth factor-signaling pathway (PubMed:10712922). Could be implicated in mediating cell architecture, adhesion to integrin substrates and anchorage-dependent growth in epithelial cells (PubMed:10712922). Regulates cell motility by forming a complex with PARVB (PubMed:32528174). Phosphorylates beta-1 and beta-3 integrin subunit on serine and threonine residues, but also AKT1 and GSK3B (PubMed:8538749, PubMed:9736715).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ILK

UniProt ID

  • Q13418

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