[Isoform 1]: Acts as a transcriptional repressor (PubMed:17974029). Has mitogenic activity for fibroblasts (PubMed:11751870, PubMed:26845719). Heparin-binding protein (PubMed:15491618). ; [Isoform 2]: Does not have mitogenic activity for fibroblasts (PubMed:26845719). Does not bind heparin (PubMed:26845719). ; [Isoform 3]: Has mitogenic activity for fibroblasts (PubMed:26845719). Heparin-binding protein (PubMed:26845719).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • HDGF

UniProt ID

  • P51858

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