G-protein coupled receptor expressed in lymphocytes that acts as a chemotactic receptor for B-cells, T-cells, splenic dendritic cells, monocytes/macrophages and astrocytes (By similarity). Receptor for oxysterol 7-alpha,25-dihydroxycholesterol (7-alpha,25-OHC) and other related oxysterols (PubMed:21796212, PubMed:22875855, PubMed:22930711). Mediates cell positioning and movement of a number of cells by binding the 7-alpha,25-OHC ligand that forms a chemotactic gradient (By similarity). Binding of 7-alpha,25-OHC mediates the correct localization of B-cells during humoral immune responses (By similarity). Guides B-cell movement along the B-cell zone-T-cell zone boundary and later to interfollicular and outer follicular regions (By similarity). Its specific expression during B-cell maturation helps position B-cells appropriately for mounting T-dependent antibody responses (By similarity). Collaborates with CXCR5 to mediate B-cell migration; probably by forming a heterodimer with CXCR5 that affects the interaction between of CXCL13 and CXCR5 (PubMed:22913878). Also acts as a chemotactic receptor for some T-cells upon binding to 7-alpha,25-OHC ligand (By similarity). Promotes follicular helper T (Tfh) cells differentiation by positioning activated T-cells at the follicle-T-zone interface, promoting contact of newly activated CD4 T-cells with activated dendritic cells and exposing them to Tfh-cell-promoting inducible costimulator (ICOS) ligand (By similarity). Expression in splenic dendritic cells is required for their homeostasis, localization and ability to induce B- and T-cell responses: GPR183 acts as a chemotactic receptor in dendritic cells that mediates the accumulation of CD4(+) dendritic cells in bridging channels (By similarity). Regulates migration of astrocytes and is involved in communication between astrocytes and macrophages (PubMed:25297897). Promotes osteoclast precursor migration to bone surfaces (By similarity). Signals constitutively through G(i)-alpha, but not G(s)-alpha or G(q)-alpha (PubMed:21673108, PubMed:25297897). Signals constitutively also via MAPK1/3 (ERK1/2) (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • GPR183

UniProt ID

  • P32249

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