Protein involved in various processes, such as stress granule formation and innate immunity (PubMed:12642610, PubMed:20180778, PubMed:23279204, PubMed:30510222, PubMed:30804210). Plays an essential role in stress granule formation (PubMed:12642610, PubMed:20180778, PubMed:23279204, PubMed:32302570, PubMed:32302571, PubMed:32302572, PubMed:34739333, PubMed:35977029, PubMed:36183834, PubMed:36279435, PubMed:36692217, PubMed:37379838). Stress granules are membraneless compartments that store mRNAs and proteins, such as stalled translation pre-initiation complexes, in response to stress (PubMed:12642610, PubMed:20180778, PubMed:23279204, PubMed:27022092, PubMed:32302570, PubMed:32302571, PubMed:32302572, PubMed:36279435, PubMed:37379838). Promotes formation of stress granules phase-separated membraneless compartment by undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) upon unfolded RNA-binding: functions as a molecular switch that triggers RNA-dependent LLPS in response to a rise in intracellular free RNA concentrations (PubMed:32302570, PubMed:32302571, PubMed:32302572, PubMed:34739333, PubMed:36279435, PubMed:36692217). Also acts as an ATP- and magnesium-dependent helicase: unwinds DNA/DNA, RNA/DNA, and RNA/RNA substrates with comparable efficiency (PubMed:9889278). Acts unidirectionally by moving in the 5′ to 3′ direction along the bound single-stranded DNA (PubMed:9889278). Unwinds preferentially partial DNA and RNA duplexes having a 17 bp annealed portion and either a hanging 3′ tail or hanging tails at both 5′- and 3′-ends (PubMed:9889278). Plays an essential role in innate immunity by promoting CGAS and RIGI activity (PubMed:30510222, PubMed:30804210). Participates in the DNA-triggered cGAS/STING pathway by promoting the DNA binding and activation of CGAS (PubMed:30510222). Triggers the condensation of cGAS, a process probably linked to the formation of membrane-less organelles (PubMed:34779554). Enhances also RIGI-induced type I interferon production probably by helping RIGI at sensing pathogenic RNA (PubMed:30804210). May also act as a phosphorylation-dependent sequence-specific endoribonuclease in vitro: Cleaves exclusively between cytosine and adenine and cleaves MYC mRNA preferentially at the 3′-UTR (PubMed:11604510).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • G3BP1

UniProt ID

  • Q13283

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