Transcriptional regulator. Critical factor essential for ovary differentiation and maintenance, and repression of the genetic program for somatic testis determination. Prevents trans-differentiation of ovary to testis through transcriptional repression of the Sertoli cell-promoting gene SOX9 (By similarity). Has apoptotic activity in ovarian cells. Suppresses ESR1-mediated transcription of PTGS2/COX2 stimulated by tamoxifen (By similarity). Is a regulator of CYP19 expression (By similarity). Participates in SMAD3-dependent transcription of FST via the intronic SMAD-binding element (By similarity). Is a transcriptional repressor of STAR. Activates SIRT1 transcription under cellular stress conditions. Activates transcription of OSR2.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • FOXL2

UniProt ID

  • P58012

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