Essential factor involved in transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair which allows RNA polymerase II-blocking lesions to be rapidly removed from the transcribed strand of active genes (PubMed:16246722, PubMed:20541997, PubMed:26620705). Upon DNA-binding, it locally modifies DNA conformation by wrapping the DNA around itself, thereby modifying the interface between stalled RNA polymerase II and DNA (PubMed:15548521). It is required for transcription-coupled repair complex formation (PubMed:16916636). It recruits the CSA complex (DCX(ERCC8) complex), nucleotide excision repair proteins and EP300 to the sites of RNA polymerase II-blocking lesions (PubMed:16916636). Plays an important role in regulating the choice of the DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) repair pathway and G2/M checkpoint activation; DNA-dependent ATPase activity is essential for this function (PubMed:25820262). Regulates the DNA repair pathway choice by inhibiting non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), thereby promoting the homologous recombination (HR)-mediated repair of DSBs during the S/G2 phases of the cell cycle (PubMed:25820262). Mediates the activation of the ATM- and CHEK2-dependent DNA damage responses thus preventing premature entry of cells into mitosis following the induction of DNA DSBs (PubMed:25820262). Acts as a chromatin remodeler at DSBs; DNA-dependent ATPase-dependent activity is essential for this function. Remodels chromatin by evicting histones from chromatin flanking DSBs, limiting RIF1 accumulation at DSBs thereby promoting BRCA1-mediated HR (PubMed:29203878). Required for stable recruitment of ELOA and CUL5 to DNA damage sites (PubMed:28292928). Involved in UV-induced translocation of ERCC8 to the nuclear matrix (PubMed:26620705). Essential for neuronal differentiation and neuritogenesis; regulates transcription and chromatin remodeling activities required during neurogenesis (PubMed:24874740).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • ERCC6

UniProt ID

  • Q03468

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