Possible ATPase (PubMed:15653697) involved in DNA replication, may facilitate loading of CDC45 onto pre-replication complexes (PubMed:20065034). ; An aminoacyl-tRNA editing enzyme that deacylates mischarged D-aminoacyl-tRNAs. Also deacylates mischarged glycyl-tRNA(Ala), protecting cells against glycine mischarging by AlaRS. Acts via tRNA-based rather than protein-based catalysis; rejects L-amino acids rather than detecting D-amino acids in the active site. By recycling D-aminoacyl-tRNA to D-amino acids and free tRNA molecules, this enzyme counteracts the toxicity associated with the formation of D-aminoacyl-tRNA entities in vivo and helps enforce protein L-homochirality.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • DTD1

UniProt ID

  • Q8TEA8

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