ATP-dependent RNA helicase that binds to partially double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) in order to unwind RNA secondary structures (PubMed:16397294). Unwinding is promoted in the presence of single-strand binding proteins (PubMed:16397294). Mediates also RNA duplex formation thereby displacing the single-strand RNA binding protein (PubMed:16397294). ATP and ADP modulate its activity: ATP binding and hydrolysis by DDX42 triggers RNA strand separation, whereas the ADP-bound form of the protein triggers annealing of complementary RNA strands (PubMed:16397294). Required for assembly of the 17S U2 SnRNP complex of the spliceosome, a large ribonucleoprotein complex that removes introns from transcribed pre-mRNAs: DDX42 associates transiently with the SF3B subcomplex of the 17S U2 SnRNP complex and is released after fulfilling its role in the assembly of 17S U2 SnRNP (PubMed:12234937, PubMed:36797247). Involved in the survival of cells by interacting with TP53BP2 and thereby counteracting the apoptosis-stimulating activity of TP53BP2 (PubMed:19377511). Relocalizes TP53BP2 to the cytoplasm (PubMed:19377511).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • DDX42

UniProt ID

  • Q86XP3

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