Putative hydrolase with unknown substrate (Probable). Does not hydrolyze N(G),N(G)-dimethyl-L-arginine (ADMA) which acts as an inhibitor of NOS (PubMed:21493890, PubMed:37296100). In endothelial cells, induces expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) via phosphorylation of the transcription factor SP1 by PKA in a process that is independent of NO and NO synthase (By similarity). Similarly, enhances pancreatic insulin secretion through SP1-mediated transcriptional up-regulation of secretagogin/SCGN, an insulin vesicle docking protein (By similarity). Upon viral infection, relocates to mitochondria where it promotes mitochondrial fission through activation of DNM1L leading to the inhibition of innate response activation mediated by MAVS (PubMed:33850055).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • DDAH2

UniProt ID

  • O95865

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