Decapping scavenger enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of a residual cap structure following the degradation of mRNAs by the 3′->5′ exosome-mediated mRNA decay pathway. Hydrolyzes cap analog structures like 7-methylguanosine nucleoside triphosphate (m7GpppG) with up to 10 nucleotide substrates (small capped oligoribonucleotides) and specifically releases 5′-phosphorylated RNA fragments and 7-methylguanosine monophosphate (m7GMP). Cleaves cap analog structures like tri-methyl guanosine nucleoside triphosphate (m3(2,2,7)GpppG) with very poor efficiency. Does not hydrolyze unmethylated cap analog (GpppG) and shows no decapping activity on intact m7GpppG-capped mRNA molecules longer than 25 nucleotides. Does not hydrolyze 7-methylguanosine diphosphate (m7GDP) to m7GMP (PubMed:22985415). May also play a role in the 5′->3 mRNA decay pathway; m7GDP, the downstream product released by the 5′->3′ mRNA mediated decapping activity, may be also converted by DCPS to m7GMP (PubMed:14523240). Binds to m7GpppG and strongly to m7GDP. Plays a role in first intron splicing of pre-mRNAs. Inhibits activation-induced cell death.

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • DCPS

UniProt ID

  • Q96C86

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