[Isoform GANP]: As a component of the TREX-2 complex, involved in the export of mRNAs to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores (PubMed:20005110, PubMed:20384790, PubMed:22307388, PubMed:23591820). Through the acetylation of histones, affects the assembly of nucleosomes at immunoglobulin variable region genes and promotes the recruitment and positioning of transcription complex to favor DNA cytosine deaminase AICDA/AID targeting, hence promoting somatic hypermutations (PubMed:23652018). ; [Isoform MCM3AP]: Binds to and acetylates the replication protein MCM3. Plays a role in the initiation of DNA replication and participates in controls that ensure that DNA replication initiates only once per cell cycle (PubMed:11258703, PubMed:12226073). Through the acetylation of histones, affects the assembly of nucleosomes at immunoglobulin variable region genes and promotes the recruitment and positioning of transcription complex to favor DNA cytosine deaminase AICDA/AID targeting, hence promoting somatic hypermutations (PubMed:23652018).

    Matrix Type

    • Tissue/Cells

    Gene Symbol

    • MCM3AP

    UniProt ID

    • O60318

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